Covid-19 protected taxi transportation
Today, there is a lot of demand for taxi’s equipped with protection against the Covid-19 virus. On this page you can read how we operate to give you maximum protection against the Corona virus.
We have taken measures that correspond as much as possible with the guidelines of RIVM. For example, all our vehicles have separation shields that make direct contact between driver and passengers impossible. Across nearly the entire width and height, a shield of plexiglass or plastic foil
is placed to guarantee your safety. Due to these adjustments, it is unfortunately no longer possible to take a regular taxi with more than 2 people. With 3 to 7 people, we have taxi buses that are also equipped withs protection shields so that a family can also be transported.
When you book a taxi or taxi bus with us, we always contact you by telephone to go through the procedure. This is to avoid misunderstandings.
How does it work if you order a taxi from us? Below you will find the process step by step:
- The driver rings the doorbell and then keeps a distance of at least 1.5 meters.
- The driver opens the doors and (if necessary) the trunk.
- You will only be helped with your luggage if you cannot do this yourself. In that case, the driver will not grab the suitcase by the handle, but from the side and bottom.
- After you have taken your seat, the driver will close the doors and trunk. We request that you do not close the trunk yourself, as this is done electrically and manual closing can cause malfunctions.
- The driver starts his / her ride. During the ride, a conversation is still possible, the partition still leaves open spaces that are necessary for ventilation grids to do their work and to main hold a conversation.
- Seats cannot be moved but are in the furthest forward position and since we drive large and luxurious cars, there is always more than enough space for your legs.
- You arrive at the destination. Please handle the finances before opening a door. You can pay in different ways, but we kindly ask you, if possible, not to pay with cash. Payment is possible with PIN, all common Credit Cards, on account (companies) and in advance payment via Mollie Payments. The payment device is cleaned after every payment. If you have any questions about the payment options, we are happy to explain how it works.
- If the driver has put your luggage in the trunk, we ask you to remain seated until the driver has put your luggage out of the trunk and placed it next to the taxi for you.
- Then the driver will open the doors one by one and walk away from the car so you can get out safely. You can just leave the doors open, the driver will close them again.
We kindly ask you not to touch the separation shield. Several customers have done this out of curiosity (we understand), but afterwards the driver has to clean the shield completely and this is a difficult job, especially with plastic foil.
If you have any suggestions on how to make transport even safer, we would like to hear from you.
If you have special requests or a question, please contact us or call us at: 040-8420000.
We are happy to assist you in this difficult time!